Showing posts with label NJoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NJoy. Show all posts

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Postcard from America:Why E-cigarettes are the future

From Retail Insight to Consumers..a true story....

At the end of a tough workshop in San Fransisco, I reached into my pocket for my NJoy electronic cigarette only to find I had already dragged the life from it.

In desperation I headed for the front door and the congregation of dedicated smokers outside to bum an authentic OP (my brand, very loyal "other people's").

"Sorry, but my electronic cigarette ran out" I pitched my apologia to potential smoking sponsors

One guy looked at me, inhaled deeply, shook his head, handed me a cigarette and lighter, watched me light up and post exhaling, said "you won't catch me using those electronic things.."

"Really, why?" I enquired, taking my first old fashioned nicotine hit in a while
"Gee, (pausing for another drag) you just don't know what harm they'll do!"

As a Hiroshima like nuclear dust-cloud escaped his nose, I looked at my own cigarette and put it out.

Go figure. Now y'all have a nice day. Missing you already.