Monday, 24 March 2014

Liverpool 1 Everton 2

Allegedly, Tesco boss Phil Clarke had a nightmare and woke suddenly on Saturday morning to the vision of Cilla Black shouting "Surprise, Surprise!"

The real surprise was worse. Philip Green's announcement of BHS muscling in to the food market, with a branded, discount food offering, brought more pressure to the UK retail cauldron, as if any were needed.

On reflection, the move is not so surprising. Grocers have spent a great deal of time breaking into the home-wares market, it is only reasonable to expect some push back and John Lewis Partnership have proved the case for department stores branching into food.

At least Phil Clarke got some respite watching his resurgent Liverpool. Mind you, Everton are doing ok without David Moyes and receive wily business advice from two illustrious supporters of their own: Sir Terry Leahy and Sir Philip Green.

With Leahy due to front the IPO of discount chain B&M, and Green dropping his BHS bombshell, it seems the Evertonian duo are intent on devouring Clarke's scouse by the spoonful..

It's all kicking off. Turns out this isn't business after all; it's not even personal: it's football. And as the late, Bill Shankly famously remarked, "it's more important than life and death".

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